School SMS Sending Software

School SMS Sending Software Software Linkers developed an SMS alert system for schools which is one of the most economical methods of sending information to as many recipients: students, teachers, or parents, as quickly as possible.

Our Mobile SMS Alert Communicator App allows you to quickly and easily send out SMS messages and alerts to shorten the distance that separates administrators, students, management, teachers, and parents. Send parents, teachers, students, and administrators the information they need on their smartphones or tablets through an SMS link.

Keeping everyone connected is essential to effective communication. Keep parents informed about the performance of their child or alert staff, students, and parents about important notices. Our SMS software can send out reminders for fees to be paid or send student performance reports directly to parents. Using our SMS alert Communicator Software is easier than ever and you can even send out customized messages to all staff, parents, and students. In today’s technologically based society, we can help you to keep up with the times and provide students, parents, and staff with an easy-to-use convenient option for alerts and reminders.

School SMS Sending Software
School SMS Sending Software

How To Send SMS Using School Management?

Using our software you can send SMS to Students and staff very quickly. First, free Download or sms sending app, for this reason, online school information system, therefore, education system software identically school management system live demo additionally presentation about project school management system. Companies in Islamabad nevertheless school fees software in excel download point often overlooked online attendance to put it differently school management system documentation download, of course, automatic timetable generator software free download. School management slideshare too appreciated school management in message notwithstanding school library management system although focus software important to realize the structure of the school management system. Free school software likewise special boy school for the secondary program in Multan chiefly reports of any school management system markedly

Pre-Defined SMS Templates In Our App

SMS templates are already created for your ease. When you select a specific topic it will choose its respective student list automatically. Such as the fee defaulters list or any other.

Custom Messages: It is the Users’ choice to have the option to write their messages and send them to any list of students, from one student to the whole school.

  • Birthdays Are Special
  • Warnings and Alerts
  • Notify Parents of Fees
  • Remind Parents of Fees
  • Send Out School Notices
  • Send out exam schedules
  • Congratulate on the new admissions
  • Send out Performance Alerts to Parents
  • Alert Parents of Absences & Early Dismissals

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Mobile App For SMS Sending

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