School Planner App

School Planner App

School Planner App means (educational institution decisions about how something will be done in the future) Software Linkers Web Development Company provides the complete offline solution for an educational institution.

School Planner App
School Planner App

Module Of Education Planner

  1. Administration planer
  2. Student planner
  3. Staff planner
  4. Account planner
  5. Attendance planner
  6. Exam planner

Administration Planer

Our school management software program also provides proper school administration planning aims to train effective leaders who can shape, manage and adapt to change in educational institutions.

Student Planner

The student planner feature manages the student data means (student date birth, student name, parents name, address, student class, section, roll no, id no, attendance, student progress, student fee & areas, etc) when you want any student data one click on that student, student planner shows all data about that student.

Staff Planner

Staff Planner helps managers plan accurate staffing levels and maintain staff data, salary, balance, arrears, working progress, over time, attendance, etc

Account Planner

School account planner module divide into two parts.

  • Income
  • Expanse

Income Planner

income planner help to managing to the income and provide information to you how much income on a daily basis, weakly, monthly, and yearly.

Expanse Planner

Expense planner manages your category and head of expenses (school building rent, staff salaries, electricity bill, food, transport, and maintenance, etc) and gives to the information administration how much expense on a daily basis, weakly, monthly, and yearly.

Attendance Planner

Attendance planner gives to Easily plan and keep an attendance record of your school student and staff. attendance and leaves with just a calendar view. A year calendar shows your attendance for the whole year in one glance. A monthly calendar shows details such as staff overtime hours and tardy minutes. You can view an attendance report for the year, month, or any custom period.

Exam Planner

The exam is an important relevant part of the school. the exam is a formal that take to show the ability of a student. exam planer help to manage all types of exam date sheet, result card.